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History of Westgate

The History of Westgate


Who Were the First Residents of Westgate?


How Do I Find the History of My House?


Here is the 1926 plat of the city side of the neighborhood, which was submitted to the city when Rock Glen Road was first laid out.  It is really really large; sheets 5 and 6 are the ones containing the area around Rock Glen and Edmondson.   You can look directly at sheet 5 and sheet 6.


The first wave of advertising of Westgate in 1927 resulted in the building of large numbers of shingle-sided homes with porches in the area east of North Bend and south of Edmondson.  But home sites remained available. 


On September 23, 1928, Welsh published an ad with a drawing of an available style of Westgate house.


The Depression hit in 1929.  It is not clear what impact this had on the building and purchasing of Westgate homes; we located no ads for Westgate in 1929. On September 11, 1930, they began advertising brick homes.  The brick and stucco Tudor Revival homes begun to sell at that time. On April 22, 1931, they continued to advertise brick homes in Westgate, and included a picture of what has become the classic Westgate Tudor Revival.


In the late 1920s and early 1930s, as Welsh Construction began building the homes in Westgate (east of North Bend and mostly south of Edmondson Ave.), they advertised these homes in the Baltimore Sun.  These are some images of their ads – viewed on ProQuest through the county library, and reproduced by permission of the Baltimore Sun.



historical ad for a westgate cottage on sale at $5950
historical westgate ad, brick home $6500
historical westgate ad
historical westgate ad
historical westgate ad
historical westgate ad
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